PyCTD Documentation

for version: 0.5.9

pyctd is Python software developed by the Department of Bioinformatics at the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI) to programmatically access and analyze data provided by the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database. For more information about CTD go to section CTD About .

The content of CTD and the use of PyCTD in combination with PyBEL facilitates scientists in the IMI funded projects AETIONOMY and PHAGO in the identification of potential drug targets in complex disease networks, which contain several thousands of relationships encoded as BEL statements.

The main aim of this software is to provide a programmatic access to locally stored CTD data and allow a filtered export in several formats used in the scientific community. We also focus our software development on the analysis and extension of biological disease knowledge networks. PyCTD is an ongoing project and needs further development as well as improvement. Please contact us, if you would like to support PyCTD or are interested in a scientific collaboration.

ER model of pyctd database

Fig. 1: ER model of pyctd database

_images/imi-logo.png _images/aetionomy-logo.png _images/scai-logo.svg

Acknowledgment and contribution to scientific projects

Software development by:

The software development of PyCTD at Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI) is supported and funded by the IMI (INNOVATIVE MEDICINES INITIATIVE) projects AETIONOMY and PHAGO. The aim of both projects is the identification of mechanisms in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease for drug development through creation and analysis of complex biological BEL networks.

Indices and Tables